The Rise and Fall of the Human Empire

Part One: Robot Rising

“Everyone has a past. Not everyone has a future.”

So said The First Among Men, the Grand Unifier, the Rider of Wasps, King of the Emperyean Ares Drayden. His only son, fifteen-year old Pax (born in the lone instance of galactic peace in Ares’ life) remembered his father’s words.

Pax’s prodigious memory for galography would serve him well now and may save his life. He recalled the name of the world he and his Shingai advisor now staggered across – Sakra. The world was an ocean of sand, with desert waves that would sweep you hundreds of meters. Pax knew that a meter below the surface sat a strange mixture of setcrete, unique only to Sakra. It took seconds to capture its victims, who would be forever glued into place.

His father’s words on his mind, Pax said…