Building a Comic Book

I'm in the early stages of creating a new, independent super hero comic book called Re-Do.  I don't want to give too much away, but I have to say it's the project that has me the most excited of anything I'm working on right now.  With a science fiction (The Rift) and fantasy/adventure (ClosetWorld) series already coming out, I truly do love super hero comics.  That love goes to my personal beginning in comics, starting first in Iron Man and then branching out into other series (Marvel's Secret Wars, the Avengers, Spider-Man, and so on).  I'm realize how lucky I am to have gotten a chance to write about some of these very same characters for Marvel Comics. 

And now I find myself working with my long-time collaboration site,, to create a new super hero series that I can say came from no one else's imagination other than my own.  Working for Marvel is of course a dream come true, but there's also a huge thrill of coming up with a super hero that no one else has dreamed up.  From his origin to his name (which is NOT Re-Do) to what happens to him, everything came only from me. 

After working out the backstory and the beats to issue 1, the next step was to find the right artist.  The site has been my go-to site for finding artists, having steered me to my webcomics artists Jake Bilbao (Devolution), Alex Amezcua (The Rift), and John Amor (ClosetWorld).  Now I've partnered with William Allan Reyes, and I CANNOT wait to show the world what this guy can do.  Hopefully the story is up to the task of showcasing his art in a way it deserves to be showcased.  The guy can flat draw. 

There are other creators I need to nail down for this project - a colorist, someone to design a logo, and so on - and I have just as much fun working on those details as I do working the story.  I think there's no one aspect of creating comics that is more fun than another.  I really do enjoy each and every part there is in making, publishing, and promoting a comic. 

It'll be months before Re-Do hits the web, but I can assure you it'll get as much work put into it as possible to make it the best read we can.  Here's hoping you like it as much as I do.